Providing emergency tree removal within hours of your call.
Trees falling unexpectedly can damage your property and cause further hazards. Strong winds, storms, and other events can create an immediately dangerous tree situation. Urban Loggers provides emergency tree removal near you to Granville, Ohio and surrounding communities. We employ the utmost safety precautions to remove fallen trees efficiently and mitigate risks through expert tree removal.
Our Emergency Service Process
If you have a tree in immediate danger of falling, or an already-fallen tree that is causing a hazard to your safety or your property, you may need emergency tree removal. Urban Loggers has the experience and specialized equipment necessary to address the situation and determine the best course of action for your unique circumstances.
With years of experience and comprehensive knowledge on tree health and safety, we will take action and do the job right. Typically, our team can provide emergency tree services within 3 hours of your call. Special rates may apply.
About Urban Loggers
It all started with a young entrepreneur’s apprenticeship on an organic farm. After several years of managing woods and ecological restoration, Andrew realized he could apply his skills in residential and commercial markets. In 2017, he started Urban Loggers as a steward of the urban forest.
Our team understands the degree of personal responsibility and lasting impact of proper tree care and maintenance. We take care of your tree needs with an environmentalist approach and view our role as a privilege, ensuring future generations enjoy the benefits of a healthy urban landscape.
Frequently Asked Questions
We get a lot of questions; here are some answers.
How soon can you come clean up a fallen tree or remove a tree posing an immediate threat?
While we are usually booking a few weeks out, we make an exception for emergency work. If a tree is blocking a driveway or otherwise impairing normal functions at your household, we can usually come the same day. We may not be able to complete the job that day, but more often than not, we can at least have your driveway cleared or your home safe within a few hours.
Does pricing work differ for emergency work?
Special rates may apply if we are delaying other clients’ scheduled work to come take care of your trees. Pricing differs the most because emergency work usually does not allow for a scheduled estimate ahead of time.
If you want us to come immediately, we can give you an estimate on cost as soon as we arrive, but we will charge a fee for having come to the jobsite with a crew and equipment. If you prefer to have a firm bid that is not subject to change, schedule a quote with us.
Can you perform other work on our property while doing emergency work?
For insurance purposes, we must bill emergency work separately. We are happy to complete additional work while we are on site, but that will be billed as a separate invoice.